wednesdays 7-8 am sharp
Schedule (July 2015- June 2016)
Prof Nambiar Bedside Tutorials (ODD weeks)
Viva/ Didactic Sessions (EVEN weeks)
Prof Nambiar Bedside Tutorials (ODD weeks)
- Reg I/C : to remind Prof Nambiar the day before and to hunt for cases. Preferably choose cases related to ABSITE discussion that week
- Please meet at the venue at 7 am SHARP
- This is to prepare you for the FRCS Exit Exam : Clinical
Viva/ Didactic Sessions (EVEN weeks)
- Reg I/C to arrange with individual tutors
- Please meet at the venue at 7 am SHARP
- Tutors: GS AC/ Consultants , Anaesthesia consultants, Radiology consultants
- For didactic on the latest guidelines and for viva practice cases
- Aim: for preparation for FRCS Exit Exam: Viva
- Please email me all the powerpoint slides/ guidelines discussed and I can attach them here for future reference / revision.